Saturday, June 2, 2012

Shooting at the Wig Wam

About a month agao I had the pleasure of shooting five lovely ladies at the classic Wig Wam motel in Rilato, CA. It's the classic Route 66 Must-Do pit stop in our neck of the woods! Route 66 is really dear to my heart...we literally live on the Route 66 mother road here in San Bernardino. So it was such an exciting shoot that I decided to finally set up and do. Here are a few teasers of our day.

Johanna Mesa

Sharon Escamilla "Lil'Bit"



It's official!

Finally, the day came where we put deposits on our venue and church and set the date! This past Wednesday we set the date for our wedding, June 2nd, 2013. We couldn't be any happier. We booked the church of our dreams...the Fleur De Lis Chapel in Upland, CA. I was so set on this church because of it's vintage charm. The main thing I really was looking for in a chapel was the classic wedding bells...who doesn't want to get married to the classic bells ringing!? This chapel has it all. We met with the lovely Liza from the Chapel and she set everything up for us. Right after that we headed down to our original venue choice and booked it!'s really coming together. I couldn't be happier. Here is a pic of our beautiful church.
I snatched this off their site.