-Yarn in any color(s) you want
-Good cutting scissors
-Non-Slip Mat (the mats that go under your rug for safety. I got mine at Walmart.)
1) Start off by wrapping the yarn about 70 times around your finger excluding your thumb.
2) After wrapping 70 times, take that wrapped section off your fingers and place on the table.
3) Cut the end of the yarn.
4) Cut another piece of yarn, about 8 inches in length.
5) Take that cut piece of yarn and use it to secure the wrapped up chunk of yarn...tying it directly in the middle.
6) Cut around the loops and start shaping the pom pom of yarn into a nice circle in the desired size you want.
7) With the two end of the securing piece of yarn...tie them around a section of the mat. Start off on the edge and continue tying pom poms as close as possible so there isn't any exposed pieces of the mat when done.
8) Enjoy!